Braces 101

Eating with braces

The adhesive used to attach the braces to your teeth sets quickly initially, but may take up to 24 hours to completely set. You may eat any time after leaving our office, but we ask you pay attention to our recommended food list below.

For the first few days, soft foods are best. Avoid tough meats, hard breads, and raw vegetables and instead try ground meats, untoasted breads and boiled/steamed vegetables.

Food to avoid and why:

  • Please avoid sticky foods as they may loosen bands/brackets, pull out ligature/elastic ties, and/or may bend archwires. Examples include: caramel, skittles, caramel corn, taffy, licorice, gummy bears, star bursts and chewy fruit snacks.
  • Please avoid hard foods as they may loosen bands/brackets, and/or bend or break archwires. Examples include: ice cubes, whole nuts, corn nuts, granola bars, French bread crust, suckers, pizza crust, peanut brittle, hard shell tacos, jaw breakers, whole carrots, whole apples, chips. Small sliced pieces of apples and carrots are encouraged.
  • Please avoid husk foods as they may lodge between bands and beneath archwires, between teeth or under the gums causing irritation, swelling and discomfort. Examples include: peanuts, popcorn, corn on the cob, chicken on the bone and ribs.
  • Please avoid chewing gum (even sugarless) as this may loosen bands/brackets and may pull out elastic ties and/or bend wires. Examples include: large pieces of gum.

We encourage you to eat less high sugar foods as this may weaken the adhesive holding the brackets in place and may weaken enamel causing cavities. Examples of high sugar foods include: candy, cookies, pies, ice cream, soda and sugar-coated cereals.

General Soreness

When your braces are put on or when wires are changed, some patients’ teeth feel sore and may be tender when biting for approximately one week. This discomfort usually peaks within 72 hours. To improve comfort, you may take whatever you normally take for a headache.

Your lips or cheeks may become sore as they rub against your orthodontic appliances. These often heal on their own as you become accustomed to the appliances and these areas toughen. However, you may rinse with a warm salt rinse or use wax on the areas that are causing soreness. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm tap water and rinse your mouth vigorously and spit. Don’t swallow this solution, it tastes awful.

See the below diagram to get to know your braces better. This will help you be better prepared to communicate with us when needed.
